7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)
7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)

7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit (28 Herbs) + Diet Chart and Doctor Consultation (FREE)

Rs. 999/-

Rs. 999.00
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✅ 50000+ लोगों को बिना ऑपरेशन गठिया और जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत
✅ 22 से अधिक जड़ी-बूटियों से निर्मित, गठिया के दर्द में अत्यधिक प्रभावी
✅ 35000+ लोगों के घुटने, कमर, गर्दन के दर्द , सूजन, अकड़न में राहत !
✅ घुटनों और जोड़ों की कम हुई चिकनाहट को बहाल कर, कार्टिलेज को बेहतर बनाता है

+ Diet Chart ₹500 (Free)
+ Doctor Session ₹500 (Free)
+ Physiotherapist Session ₹800 (Free)

Pack of 4- 500 ML juice + 30 Joint pain capsule bottle + Sesame massage oil + Herbal joint pain relief Gel

66% OFF

Rs. 999.00 Rs. 2,999.00

✅ 50000+ लोगों को बिना ऑपरेशन गठिया  और जोड़ों के दर्द से राहत

✅ 22 से अधिक जड़ी-बूटियों से निर्मित, गठिया के दर्द में अत्यधिक प्रभावी

✅ 35,000+ लोगों को घुटनों, कमर, गर्दन के दर्द, सूजन, और अकड़न से राहत

✅ घुटनों और जोड़ों की कम हुई चिकनाहट को बहाल कर, कार्टिलेज को बेहतर बनाता है


7 Days Result Joint Pain Relief Kit Pack of 4 (28 Herbs)

+ Diet Chart ₹500 (Free)
+ Doctor Session ₹500 (Free)
+ Physiotherapist Session ₹800 (Free)



What Our Customers Say

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Dr. Prakash Sharma

Senior Ayurvedic Doctor

I approve this ayurvedic product for knee pain. It is based on the principles of Ayurveda and follows the GMP guidelines of Ministry of AYUSH. It uses 100% natural herbs that are known to strengthen the bones, muscles and ligaments. It is tested by NABL accredited lab for safety and efficacy. It provides relief from joint pain and saves you from knee replacement surgery.

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Vaidya Sanjeevni

For Joint Pain

Natural Pain Relief

Natural Ayurvedic Ingredients like eucalyptus and camphor provide quick relief from joint pain by numbing the area and reducing inflammation

Improved Blood Circulation

Contains sesame oil that improves blood circulation by reducing stiffness of joints when massaged on the affected area

Enhanced Flexibility

Regular application of Joint Pain Oil keeps the joints lubricated, reduce friction and improve flexibilty and mobilty in the joints

Cartilage & Collagen Support

Contains ingredients like glucosamine & chondroitin which aid in maintaining cartilage health and promoting collagen production

Vaidya Sanjeevni For Pain Relief

How does the product work

कार्टिलेज बनाने में मदत्त् करता है !

कॉलेजन की कमी दूर करता है !

बोन डेंसिटी , हड्डियों की कमज़ोरी दूर करता है !

Doctor Recommended

A Week to Wellness: Say Goodbye to Joint Discomfort


Years of Trust

Certified By

GMP (1).png__PID:191ac3b0-4e12-47e3-8067-7200c3242fcd
Clinically (1).png__PID:6b4a0021-07e5-4b2c-b9ba-f0cef9f2373b

Key Ingredients

Made From Natural Herb Extracts


20+ Ayurvedic Herbs

Verified and approved by Ministry of Ayush

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इंफ्लेमेशन में राहत , एंटी आक्सीडेंट होती है

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गठिया के लिए बेहतरीन

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उपास्थि समर्थन

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दर्द और सूजन में राहत दिलाती है !

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सूजन दर्द में आराम दिलाये

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सूजन रोधी गुण

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तनाव में कमी



Customer Reviews

Vaidya Sanjeevni Joint Pain Relief Kit